智慧的重要 知道股神華倫‧巴菲特、投機大師索羅斯、Bloomberg創辦人彭博、Fed前後任主席葛林斯班、柏南克、美國前後任財長桑默斯、魯賓、鮑爾森,這 買房子些人有什麼共同特點嗎?他們都是極為成功的金融巨擘,他們都是猶太人!猶太人到底多有 酒店工作錢? 根據富比士的統計,美國前四十大富豪中,有45%是猶太人;全美國有三分之一的百萬富翁是猶太人 情趣用品。但全美僅有590萬猶太人,佔全美近三億人口中不到 2%。事實上,猶太民族在全世界算是少數民族,全球目前僅有1300萬猶太人, 酒店經紀大約比台灣總人口的一半多一點而已,然而這些猶太人卻掌握全球主要金融金脈! 猶太金融帝國得以如此龐大驚人的秘訣在於: 智慧才是終生 濾桶財富 全世界有二個民族都非常重視教育,也以數字能力優秀見長,一個是華人,另一個就是猶太人。 華人鼓勵教育、學習,但是華人的學習是工具,是手段,不?酒店經紀O目的,讀書、學習只是作為金榜題名、出人頭地的手段與工具。一旦達不到目的,就變成:百無一用是書生。但猶太人同樣崇尚教育,文化精神卻大不相同。猶太人把學習當 ARMANI作終生目的,在猶太文化中,學者的地位是很高的,而猶太文化也深信,良好的教育自然會帶來財富,終生的學習與智慧則是人生真正的大財富,別人怎樣也不能偷不能搶。如果你問猶太人,人生?住商房屋怑垠n的是什麼?猶太人的答案一定是智慧。智慧來自猶太人的宗教傳統,在猶太人的心中,佔有舉足輕重的地位。猶太人不斷地受到迫害,富貴浮雲、房子財產都可能如曇花一現,因此猶太文化不斷教育後代,唯有智慧 褐藻醣膠可以伴隨終生,可以幫助後人度過任何困難與挑戰,而有了智慧,財富自然也就隨之而來。 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 烤肉  .

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          慶祝彰化縣和美鎮黃氏佛堂安座 慶祝彰化縣和美鎮黃氏佛堂安座 祝賀詩: 慶祝真詮化大千 黃氏母殿渡良緣 佛堂妙諦頹風挽 安座心燈濟無邊 民國一○○年七月十一日上午五點,位於彰化縣和美鎮山犁里,黃慶松先生,舉行佛堂安座大典,前來道喜祝賀的道親 買屋網有一百多人,歡樂與法喜聲,彼起彼落,佈滿整個鄰里。 黃先生求道以後,接近佛堂研究道義,知道一貫道應運普傳,是拯救人類離苦得樂,脫離六道輪迴的慈航寶筏,所以經過不久,便立清口 酒店打工愿,齊家修行。又三個子女,都是栽培至大學畢業,各個都是棟樑之才,而且於開設佛堂當天,全部立清口愿,對修己渡人上,更上一層樓。 開設佛堂的好處,後學概述如下: 一、龍華寶經曰:「初會龍華是燃燈, 酒店工作貳會龍華釋迦尊,三會龍華彌勒佛,龍華三會願相逢。」現在適逢三陽開泰,開設佛堂是扶助彌勒成大道的慈航寶筏。 二、三陽開泰,一貫道應運普傳,慈舟遍佈大街小巷,諸天神聖,萬仙菩薩,全部臨凡,到處顯化,打幫助道。 術後面膜 三、修辦道必須俱備的條件是:財、法、侶、地(安座佛堂是道務開展需要的據點)。 四、扶助上天收回原胎佛子,可得最大的奇功,所謂日間一間堂,天上一朵蓮。 五、天上果位人間定,後天有其職,先天必有其位。所以開設佛堂,是造就道業的 酒店經紀明燈與指南。 六、如果要到外國去,必須要到機場或碼頭,乘坐交通工具,才能到達;要到無極理天,也要到佛堂求道,才能達願。 七、開設佛堂,渡化眾生,是 上天老母,以及諸天神聖,萬仙菩薩,共同的願力與目標。 八、佛堂是接引眾生離苦得樂,躲脫六道 賣屋輪迴的大法船。 九、讓眾生修辦道,積功累德,消冤解孽,達本還源。 十、在佛堂開班,研究五教經典,傳佈中華文化,讓古聖先賢的智慧結晶,發揚光大,落實於日常尋用間。 十一、淨化人心,消弭社會暴戾之氣,讓國家社會,安定富足。 十二、遵佛家的規戒,行儒家的綱常,修道 21世紀房屋仲介家的功夫,讓修行人利益無邊,身心自在。 十三、承先啟後,繼往開來,讓聖人醒世、濟世、救世的願望,得以實現。 十四、三施並進:財施、法施、無畏施,積功累德,讓身、心、靈健康光明。 十五、遠離一切災難苦厄,顛倒夢想,功德日高,道功日深,業力漸退。 十六、可以造就人才,讓大家 房屋買賣都能夠明理,進而能認理實修。 十七、可增進家庭和諧與美滿,使生命價值更加的提昇,人生更有目標,更有意義。 十八、孟子曰:「天下溺,援之以道」。所以開設佛堂,弘揚大道,是重振鋼常倫理,恢復良知良能,化人心為良善,造就世界大同的彌勒淨土的大明燈。 十九、濟世救人、救災救難、化惡為善、化愚為賢 房屋貸款,讓彌勒淨土世界早日來臨。 二○、自利利人,慈悲喜捨,增益智慧,立下奇功,最偉大的慈航寶筏。 可見開設佛堂的好處,無邊無量,目前一貫道已經遍佈到世界萬國九州,此亦 上天渡化原人的最佳救世寶筏,希望大家都知道開設佛堂的好處,如果你明理,又希望讓修道更上一層樓,請好好的把握機會,趕快開設佛堂,來修?酒店打工v渡人。  .

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          撣邦人權月報 SHRF MONTHLY REPORT - JULY 2008 SPDC SHRF MONTHLY REPORT - JULY 2008 COMMENTARY “Rape by the Burmese junta’s troops is still common in many places in Shan State and the perpetrators still enjoy the culture of impunity. People seem to have become more reluctant, especially the victims themselves, to talk about rape for fear of further abuses and shame. But there have still been some who could not hide their plight and confided in their relatives and friends, and SHRF has still been receiving more or less frequent reports of rape over the last 2-3 years. However, it could be assumed that there have been even many more cases that have gone unreported due to various reasons as stated above and other difficulties in collecting information. One most sad thing is that rape has proved to be an effective weapon of war in subjugating people, especially the rural Shan communities. Patrols of SPDC junta’s troops still randomly arrest and torture people, force them to serve as guides and porters, and extort money and possessions from them as they roam the rural areas in many parts of Shan State, always making their arrival and presence painfully felt by the local people. Various systems of forcible rice procurement are still practised by the military authorities to support the numerous battalions based in all parts of Shan State. In many places rice is procured not only for the soldiers, but also for members of their families. Extortion is so widespread that it reaches every nook and cranny, even serving prisoners and bereaved families of the deceased are not spared.”A PETTY PEDDLER RAPED, ROBBED OF HER MONEY, IN MURNG-PAENG In January 2008, a petty trader was raped and robbed of her money by a patrol of SPDC troops from LIB528, near Nawng Zum village in Ta Kaw village tract, Murng-Paeng township. Naang Kham Wa (not her real name), aged 18, was a villager of Nawng Zum who made a living peddling petty goods in neighbouring villages and farms in Ta Kaw village tract. Each day, she left her village in the morning to peddle 賣房子 her goods carrying them in 2 baskets on her shoulder yoke and returned in the evening. On 13 January 2008, after selling all her goods, Naang Kham Wa returned with empty baskets and ran into a patrol of SPDC troops near a stream called Nam Ya on her way to her village. The soldiers stopped her and said they wanted to buy some cigarettes and cheroots from her. When Naang Kham Wa said she did not have any cigarettes or cheroots because she had already sold off all her goods, the SPDC troops became angry and accused her of not wanting to help them despite their being tired from having to patrol the area for the security of the people. In fact, the said patrol, comprising 12 SPDC troops, led by Sgt. Tin Aye, from LIB528, had been searching for opium farms and collecting taxes from opium farmers in the area when they found Naang Kham Wa walking alone at a remote spot. Sgt. Tin Aye told his troops to stop complaining and called Naang Kham Wa to go and sit near him and after asking her some questions, he ordered all his troops to go and stand guard at some distance and raped her to his satisfaction. After raping her, Tin Aye then said to Naang Kham Wa that selling goods to opium farmers, which she said she had done during the day, was a criminal offence and she needed to pay a fine if she did not want to be arrested and robbed her of all the money she got from selling her goods, 40,000 kyat in all. After returning home with empty hands and empty baskets, Naang Kham Wa related her plight to her parents and relatives, and they reported the incident to the village leaders and elders. But they said that the SPDC troops of LIB528 were very brutal and no one dared to do anything about it.A WOMAN GANG-RAPED IN MURNG-PAENG In December 2007, a petty trader who was returning from buying goods was gang-raped by SPDC soldiers from LIB360 in a rice field outside her village, Naa Khaw, in Yaang Mai village tract, Murng-Paeng township. On 4 December 2007, Naang Suay Lu (not her real n 禮服ame), aged 17, a villager of Naa Khaw village who earned a living selling petty goods at her house in the village, was returning from buying goods, which she carried in 2 baskets on a shoulder pole, when she saw 3 SPDC soldiers collecting wild vegetables in a field some distance from her village. Naang Suay Lu walked across the field and passed near the SPDC soldiers, thinking that they would not harm her because they were in an open field and could be seem from afar, as it was a shortcut route to her village which she had been using every time she went to buy her goods. However, when Naang Suay Lu got near them, one of the SPDC troops jumped at her, grabbed her arms and pulled her down into a shallow dried-up irrigation ditch, and called out to the other SPDC soldiers to come and help him rape her. The SPDC soldiers pressed Naang Suay Lu against the bank of the ditch, pulled up her sarong and took turns raping her. The commander, a Sergeant named Myint thein, first raped her to his satisfaction and let another soldier take his turn until he also finished. As the third soldier was about to take his turn, an ox-cart suddenly appeared on the horizon and was coming towards them, and the commander gave an order to his troops and they all ran away, leaving Naang Suay Lu lying in the ditch. It was an ox-cart of a fellow villager of Naa Khaw village, Pho Maa (m), who was returning from gathering firewood. After learning what had happened, Pho Maa took Naang Suay Lu and her goods onto his ox-cart and to her parents’ house in the village. Although Naang Suay Lu and her parents complained about the incident to their village leaders, with Pho Maa as a witness, the leaders were reluctant to file a complaint against the SPDC soldiers. They said it was very dangerous and it could bring great trouble to their village, and persuaded them to forget it as Naang Suay Lu lost none of her goods.ARREST, TORTURE, FORCED LABOUR AND EXTORTION IN KUN-HING In December 2007, several villagers in several village tract 酒店工作s in Kun-Hing township were robbed of their property, arrested, tortured and forced to provide free labour by a patrol of SPDC troops from IB287, based in Kae-See township. On 14 December 2007, a patrol of SPDC troops from Kae-See-based IB287 came to Naa Mon village in Wan Lao village tract, Kun-Hing township, and ordered the villagers to provide them with 1-1/2 baskets of rice and 5 viss (1 viss = 1.6 kg) of chickens, and also a pistol and a walkie-talkie machine. When the villagers said, after providing the demanded rice and chickens, that they could not provide the demanded pistol and walkie-talkie because there was none in the village and they did not know where to find them, the SPDC troops arrested the 4 villagers who had brought rice and chickens to them. The SPDC troops interrogated the villagers and beat and tortured them, asking about Shan soldiers and the pistol and the walkie-talkie they believed to be somewhere in the village. The 4 villagers were beaten with sticks until there were bruises and sprains all over their bodies, as they denied knowing anything about what they were being asked, before being released. The SPDC troops spent the night in the village, cooked and ate the rice and chickens provided by the villagers. The next morning, 15 December 2007, as they left the village, they arrested 2 other villagers of Naa Mon, Kaw-Lin (m) and Aw-Maa-Laa (m), and took them away to serve as guides and porters with their patrol. When they reached Saai Khaao village in Saai Khaao village tract, Kun-Hing township, the SPDC troops ordered the 2 villager-guides to ask about Shan soldiers and a pistol and a walkie-talkie in the village. When the villagers could not get any answer, the troops tortured them, crushing their shins with bamboo sticks until they were bleeding. As evening approached, the SPDC troops ordered villagers of Saai Khaao to give them 10 viss of chickens, which they cooked and ate immediately, and stayed in the village for the night. The next morning, 16 December 2007, they conscripted 3 室內設計more villagers from Saai Khaao village to serve as guides and porters as they left the village. At a place about 15 km east of Saai Khaao village, the SPDC troops surrounded a farm and arrested 4 more villagers who they also interrogated and forced to serve as guides and porters as they continued their patrol until they reached Wan Lao village in Wan Lao village tract, Kun-Hing township, where they stopped for the night and released all the villagers. The following day, 17 December 2007, the SPDC patrol continued to Paeng Khaan village where they arrested the village headman and interrogated him about Shan soldiers and also ordered him to provide a pistol and a walkie-talkie, as they had done with the other villagers previously. The headman also denied having any knowledge about Shan soldiers and the said pistol and walkie-talkie, so the SPDC troops beat and tortured him. At one point an SPDC soldier grabbed the headman’s hair, pulled him down towards him and struck him in the chest with his knee, causing the headman to fall down backward and lose consciousness. After about 20 minutes, however, the headman suddenly got up and ran away before the SPDC troops, who were busy with other things, could do anything to him. This had somewhat frightened the SPDC troops who feared that the headman could tell the Shan soldiers to come and attack them. The SPDC troops then arrested 14 villagers in Paeng Khaan village and hurried back to Wan Lao village where they released the villagers after their innocence was guaranteed by the village tract headman of Wan Lao and spent one more night in the village. The next morning, 18 December 2007, the SPDC troops conscripted an ox-cart in Wan Lao village and ordered one each from Saai Khaao, Naa Mon and Paeng Khaan villages to come to Wan Lao, and ordered villagers of Wan Lao to give them 15 viss of pork and 2 large bamboo baskets full of live chickens. In the afternoon of that day, after the 3 ox-carts from the other villages arrived in Wan Lao village, the SPDC troops left with 4 villagers’ 賣房子 ox-carts carrying their things, heading towards Kae-See township from which they had come. ----------------------------------------SITUATION OF FORCIBLE RICE PROCUREMENT Like forced labour and other types of extortion, forcible rice procurement is also one of the diehard habits long practised by the successive Burmese military juntas. Even though the current ruling junta, SPDC, has time and again declared that they had stopped the practice of forcing people to sell rice to the military at much lower than actual market prices, in reality that has so far not been the case. In some places over the last few years, military authorities have tried different ways of procuring rice other than the long used quota system, but for the farmers the results that affected them have not been much different. They were still compelled to sell their rice at great loss. At the beginning of this year, just after the last rice harvest, the military have again forced people in several townships in Shan State to sell them rice at low prices. Not only farmers, but non-farmers have also been required to sell the rice quota, albeit in lesser amounts than the farmers. Furthermore, in some places, people have been forced to provide rice and money on a regular basis for the junta’s troops to support their families. The following are some instances of forcible rice procurement by the SPDC troops in Shan State:PEOPLE FORCED TO SELL RICE TO THE MILITARY IN MURNG-PAENG In January 2008, SPDC troops of LIB528 issued an order requiring people in Murng Pu Long village tract in Murng-Paeng township to sell rice to them on a regular basis and at a rate many times lower than the market price. On 1 January 2008, all the village and village tract headmen in Murng Pu Long village tract were summoned to a meeting at Murng Pu Long village by the SPDC troops of LIB528 and told that all the villagers in Murng Pu Long village tract were required to sell husked rice for the consumption of their battalion on a regular basis. 有巢氏房屋 The order said that every household in the village tract was required to sell 1/2 basket of husked rice to the SPDC troops once a month at the price of 2,200 kyat, many times lower than the market price which was 7,500 kyat per 1/2 basket at the time. Village and village tract leaders have since then been made responsible to collect the said rice from the villagers and transport it to the military camp at Murng Pu Long as well as to the base of LIB528 in Murng-Paeng on a monthly basis. Since the order spares no one in the village tract, villagers who are not farmers and do not have rice of their own have to buy from the market and resell it to the military every month at a price many times lower than what they have had to pay for it. In a separate incident, during December 2007 and January 2008, SPDC troops of IB43 and LIB360 forced people in Hawng Kaang village in Murng-Paeng village tract to sell unhusked rice to the military at a price half the market rate. There were 10 villages with over 2,000 households in Hawng Kaang village tract, and among the households about 1,500 were farmers who worked their own plots of rice paddies. These farmers had to sell 6 baskets of unhusked rice for each plot of rice paddy they worked at the price of 10,000 kyat, while it was 20,000 kyat in the market. The non-farmers or people who did not have any plot of rice paddy also had to sell the military 4 baskets of unhusked rice, also at a rate that amounted to half the market price. As a result, these people had had to buy the rice elsewhere and resell it to the military at half price.PEOPLE FORCED TO SELL RICE, THREATENED WITH ARREST AND LAND CONFISCATION, IN MURNG-TON In January 2008, people of Pung Pa Khem town in Pung Pa Khem sub-township, in Murng-Ton township, were ordered to sell rice to the military by the SPDC troops from LIB519 that were stationed at Pung Pa Khem. There were 5 town quarters with over 1,200 houses in Pung Pa Khem town, of which only over 100 households were farmers who worked the rice paddies in the outskirts of the town’s area. The a 房屋出租rea of these rice paddies collectively was about 1,576 acres, according to the authorities. On 3 January 2008, all the community leaders of the town quarters were summoned to a meeting by the troops of LIB519 and issued an order requiring farmers in the town to sell their unhusked rice at the rate of 4 baskets per acre of land they worked, and at the price of 2,000 kyat per basket. The market price at that time was, however, 5,000 kyat per basket or more, and the farmers were threatened with arrest and land confiscation by the order if they failed to sell the required quotas of rice by the end of January 2008. In a separate incident, at around the same time, people in Mae Ken village tract in Murng-Ton township were also forced to sell rice to the military by another group of SPDC troops from LIB519 that were stationed at Mae Ken village. On 5 January 2008, a meeting of all the village and village tract leaders of Mae Ken village tract was called by the SPDC troops at the house of the village tract headman at Mae Ken village. The order requiring farmers in the area to sell their rice to the military was then issued in the meeting. Farmers were to sell their unhusked rice at the rate of 4 baskets per acre of their rice paddies and at the price of 2,000 kyat per basket, while the market price was 5,000 kyat per basket at the time. All the rice quotas were to be completed gathering by the end of January 2008, when the price money would also be given to the farmers. There were 4 villages in Mae Ken village tract and the acreage of rice paddies each village had at the time was as follows:1. Mae Ken village had 672 acres2. Mawkzali village had 314 acres3. Wan Mai village had 238 acres4. Naa Pakaao village had 366 acres Altogether there were 1,590 acres of rice paddies in Mae Ken village tract, according to the authorities. The villagers were also threatened with imprisonment and land confiscation if they failed to provide the demanded rice quotas before the given deadline.PEOPLE FORCED TO PROVIDE RICE AND MONEY ON REGULAR BASIS IN MURNG-NAI 租房子 In January 2008, people in Kaeng Tawng sub-township area in Murng-Nai township were forced by the SPDC authorities to provide the military with rice and money once every 2 months to support the families of the soldiers. On 20 January 2008, all the village and village tract headmen and community leaders from all the 7 village tracts in Kaeng Tawng area were called by the SPDC authorities to a meeting held at the sub-township office at the main village, Ton Hung. In the meeting, the SPDC authorities explained that for various reasons the military was in a difficult situation economically and needed help from the people to support the military battalions, especially the families of the troops, in the Kaeng Tawng area. “We would like the people to help provide the military with some rice and money on a regular basis to help support the soldiers’ families who have many children with basic daily necessities,” said the authorities. It was decided in the meeting that the ‘help’ was to be provided once every 2 months. People were divided into two categories - those who had rice paddies and relatively more money, and those who did not have rice fields and had less money. Each household that belonged to the first category was to provide 16 pyi of husked rice and 8,000 kyat of money each time. Those in the second category were to give the military 4 pyi of husked rice and 1,000 kyat of money per household at the same as those in the first category. The rice and the money were to be gathered every 2 months at the houses of the leaders of their respective village tracts. There were 7 village tracts or quarters in the ara of Kaeng Tawng sub-township and altogether more than 1,000 households, of which many were farmers. ----------------------------------------EXTORTION FROM PRISONERS AND FAMILIES OF THE DECEASED, IN KAENG-TUNG Extortion has been so rampant in Shan State for years that even prisoners and bereaved families of the deceased are not spared. However, the situation has been getting worse and worse over the years. The following incidents are the ARMANIsituations of extortion by the authorities from the prisoners and from the families conducting funerals for their dead, in Kaeng-Tung town. According to a recently released former political prisoner (name withheld for security reasons) who has served some years in Kaeng-Tung prison, the prison authorities have been extorting money from the prisoners in various ways they could think of. During his time in prison, although as a political prisoner he was supposed to be provided with a place to sleep and a mat to sleep on, he did not get them until his family paid money to the prison authorities. They had to pay 40,000 kyat for his sleeping place and 4,000 kyat for a mat. He also had to pay 2,000 kyat on a monthly basis for the bathing water and another 2,000 kyat for the food, which were supposed to be provided by the prison free of charge. Furthermore, he also had to pay 4,000 kyat, also on a monthly basis, for not having to work, although as a rule political prisoners are not obliged to. In another case, money extorted by the authorities for burying the dead has so increased that it has become virtually unaffordable for many families who have to struggle even for their daily survival. The following are the various fees bereaved families have had to pay during funeral services for their dead.Registration fees at the village or town quarter level office - 1,000 kyatRegistration fees at the township municipal office - - 45,000 kyatFees for burial place - - - - - 5,000 kyatFees for municipal workers - - - - 5,000 kyatFees for vehicle transporting the coffin - - 20,000 kyatFees for each of other transporting vehicles - - 15,000 kyatFees for burial service - - - - - 10,000 kyat The fees increased to almost double during the rainy season and people had been praying that no one in their relatives died during the rains, complained a trader from Kaeng-Tung who had come to trade at the Shan-Thai border.http://www.shanland.org/humanrights/monthlyreport/2008/shrf-monthly-report-july-200 辦公室出租8  .

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          好「恐怖」的未來! 很多人都對這一次的總統大選,覺得很悲哀, 為什麼? 因為是兩個被告在選總統,選舉過程中,都要在他們的案件中打轉,當選了,還要討論,我們的總統是不是又要利用延任,來逃避司法起訴, 會不會又出現一個陳水扁,罷著位子的原因,只為不想被起訴、不想坐牢這種理由,死巴巴的?著總統大位,還要一天到晚防著他,是不是要搞「非常」動作 寧可同歸於盡,讓整個國家垮掉,好讓他能脫身,不受囹?室內設計F之災! 有這樣的總統,已經夠不幸,也夠恐怖的!要再來的總統,又是一個「罪犯」總統,又要來這一套, 我們還怎麼過日子啊? 這就是我們的處境,要面對的未來,又要面對一個可能要「撕票」的「罪犯」總統, 國家的大政,可能又被人拿來替自已的刑事犯罪脫身而運用!恐怖啊! 我一直很喜歡阿嘉莎克莉絲蒂筆下的珍、瑪波妙探 基本上,我看?訂做禮服H性的態度,和她是一至的,總是從「負面」 看人,對這個世界,總是看其黑暗面! 所以,往往別人都覺得我是討厭鬼,一個人凡是先從「悲觀」面 去看,人家就很難會喜歡你! 瑪波小姐常被人這樣批評,我也常是! 不過,重點是我能不能喜歡我自已比較重要,我還是覺得看待事件,要從最糟的角度去看, 先想最不好的、最慘的情況,這樣最後,了不起猜錯了,也就算了, 酒店工作 比先樂觀高估一切,爾後措手不及,前者往往才是面對人生的好態度!而看待人性,我從不高估人性! 這和性善、性惡論無關,只是我看待任何人,總是先從一個平凡人該有的反應來看,永遠永遠不先將對方高估為「聖人」,面對的,永遠是常人, 常人就有喜怒哀樂,常人就有愛憎之心,常人就會恐懼,在恐懼時,人就會自私,就會失常! 在我看來,「人」就是這麼平凡,不管他多會說、多會 烤肉裝,我還是將他看成一個平凡人,是「人」就會恐懼,就會有「慾望」, 當被二者征服時,人,就會犯錯,就會犯罪! 我不信「陳水扁」是個壞胚子,天生就是要搞垮這個國家, 我也不信「李登輝」是沒良心,天性就是要搗蛋作怪,只是當有「恐懼」時、「慾望交關」時, 他們也只是平常人,犯的也是平常人的錯,做的也是平常人想自保的動作, 只是,他們是都是總統,同樣的作為,平凡人害不了什麼人,可是 酒店打工總統就是害死許許多多的人! 人,就是個「慾念」的總合,是人就有權利慾,就會找藉口,在高位時,就會自大,就是自滿, 就會自已為是! 民主政治,成為人類史上最成功的體制,就是它承認了一點,所有的領導人,都是「平凡人」,都會犯「平凡人」 的錯誤,它不高估「人性」,所以處處對「權力」 設防, 所以,它成功!它承認了,政治家,只是個有「權力」的「平常人」! 再偉大的人,再善良的人,再熱心的人,構 代償真誠,都不可能一直一生都是如此,或許一時間,一陣子,這個人做出了超凡入聖的事和功業 ,但是,他是「人」,人是不會一事處在「聖」的境界的,總會回到「凡人」 的程度! 所以,民主制度,就是先將所有從事政治工作的人,都當作和我們一樣,有喜怒哀樂、有愛憎之心、會恐懼、有時會很自私的「平凡人」! 人,只要一膨脹,一無人監督,一被人過度崇拜,一自大,自大的以為無不能, 就會闖禍,當他是個掌權者,就會「害死人」! 兩 建築設計個罪犯在選總統, 多恐怖的一件事, 選上的會不會報復這段時間找他麻煩的司法人員, 會不會死命的想操縱司法,好讓他能永離從牢的危險,又來一次司法的大清洗! 用一種普通人的「人性」,來看「罪犯」當上總統這件事, 好可怕!不是? 我要是當了總統,我有案在身,我會不胡搞,不插手? 我有這麼高的節操?我沒把握!(你有嗎?) 很高的情況下,我會想法干預,想法脫身,我不信我有那麼高的節操,那麼高的品德! 所以,我也不信, 下 關鍵字廣告一個「罪犯」總統,或是只是「被告」總統,會比我人格高超到那去, 他會不在任上想辦法報復,想辦法替自已的坐牢危險,利用權力,想法脫身! 我若當總統,我都不信我會那麼老實了,我怎能相信,現在那兩個「被告」總統,會老老實實!會「聖人」到那種程度? 好恐怖啊!也好倒楣啊! 怎麼我們的總統,之前的兩個,都是有高度的「犯罪」嫌疑的人, 而在上下台之間,怎麼看都是花了許多的力氣在自已的脫罪上, 不惜的搞出許多的花樣,害垮國家!而之後,要選的兩個, 太平洋房屋又是有高度的「犯罪」嫌疑 的人, 不曉得之後又要做什麼手段,好讓他們能從坐牢的恐懼中脫身! 「罪犯」當總統。他猜他會比較關心自已的死活呢?還是將心花在關心百性的死活? 我猜,是前者! 我對人性的看法就是如此!一個平凡人,心懷恐懼時,就會自私,就會為了自保害人!甚至害人!人性,就是如此!「罪犯」總統,好恐怖的一件事!真的夠恐怖的! .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! seo  .

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          (轉貼)挪威務實外交戰略維護國家安全 挪威位於北歐西側,瑞典的西鄰,瀕臨北海與北大西洋。陸地面積約三十萬平方公里,主要與瑞典接壤,與芬蘭、俄羅斯亦有小部份邊界,海岸線長達二萬五千公 里。人口約四百六十四萬。挪威在九至十一世紀,為歷史上統一且擴張的維京時期,挪威王國的傳統皇室至一三八七年終止,進入與丹麥聯合的時期,於一五八六年 成為丹麥王國的一部分。一八一四年拿破崙戰爭結束,挪威自丹麥分離而與瑞典聯合,直到一九○五年瑞典承認挪威的獨立。現在的挪威王室係一九○五年丹麥王室 的分支,現任元首為一九九一年即位的哈洛德五世國王(King Harald V)。挪威王國為君主立憲政體,政府的首相,係由國會選舉結果的多數黨領袖或?居酒屋h數聯盟的領袖經由國王任命程序就任,為國家實際政務管理與決策者。 於一戰時期,挪威為非交戰國,但其海運仍然遭受嚴重的戰爭損傷。二戰時期,挪威宣佈中立,而依然受到納粹德國五年的佔領。這使得挪威人對國家中立的可行性 抱持了懷疑心理,因而改變其立場而轉向尋求集體安全。二戰結束後的一九四九年,挪威放棄中立訴求,加入北大西洋公約組織,成為聯盟集團對抗的一方成員。挪 威亦為聯合國的創始會員國之一,聯合國第一任祕書長賴伊(Trygve Lie)即為挪威籍。冷戰結束後,挪威政府當前的政策焦點,則集中在控制花費在社會福利體系的龐大開銷,以及規劃石油資源開採殆盡之後的?票貼艭殿o展。 貳、國防安全問題 挪威的軍事組織,分為陸、海、空三軍以及國土防衛軍(Home Guard),平常時期的兵員約三萬人,動員兵力可達十三萬人。每一位十九至四十四歲的男性公民均有被徵召服役的義務,戰時則降至十六歲。每年約有一萬名 軍人係由義務役役男組成,服役期限為一年。自二○○六年起,也接受女性志願者入伍。十六歲以上至四十九歲的志願者,則可以選擇在國土防衛軍服役六個月。依 據二○○八年的統計,該年入伍受訓的男性約三萬二千人,女性約三萬人。而國防預算的比例,依二○○六年的統計,佔GNP的百分之一.九。 二戰以後的冷戰時期,挪威的威脅來自清晰可辨的前蘇聯集團。冷戰結束 代償之後,挪威認為國家安全的威脅變得複雜與無可預料,國家與國際之間安全的區別已然消 失,危機可能在和平與戰爭之間瞬間發生。威脅可能來自恐怖份子,或者國內某個特殊的利益團體的不對稱攻擊。恐怖主義、武器擴散、新型組織犯罪等,對社會賴 以維持生存的資訊網路的攻擊,均構成對挪威國家安全的挑戰。因此,僅僅對領土的防禦已經不足,一項可能威脅的戰略性情況,往往可能置挪威於一個特殊的窘 境。挪威自認其石油與天然氣的生產與出售行為,將會影響其他的石油輸出國,並因此帶來國家地位的脆弱性。此外,如果作為世界資源之一的漁業資源突然匱乏, 挪威的漁業也可能在世界強勁需求下產生戰略性的價值。雖然持續?系統傢俱@為一個歐洲北側的小國,但是挪威也自信為一個緊鄰東邊鄰國的強國。 參、歷來與當前採取之戰略政策 挪威每隔幾年就會提出一份《國防研究》(Defence Study),以作為軍事最高長官國防首長(Chief of Defence)向文人國防部長(Minister of Defence)提出軍事建言的報告文本。現任國防首長為Sverre Diesen將軍,國防部長為工黨政治家Anne-Grete Strom-Erichsen女士。她於二○○五年十月任職,前任亦為一位女性部長。 最近的一份《國防研究》為二○○七年出版,作為二○○九年至二○一二年之間的國防規劃依據。這一項規劃為針對挪威未來面臨的廣泛挑戰,預計在今後二十年, 需要編列平均每年超過三百五十億挪威克朗(NOK)(六十八 借貸億美元)的國防預算以支應。挪威的國防改革,其重點乃在於兵員的獲得、補充與教育訓練,以及與 多國合作事宜。當然,國家主權的問題為後者是否能夠成功的決定性因素。自二○○五年到二○○八年之間,挪威武裝力量現代化的目標為:增強武裝力量的作戰能 力,以持續進行現代化;刪減後勤與支援設備投資,以移轉資金至作戰行動與軍備投資;於二○○八年底,精簡兵員至一萬五千人。 挪威曾於一九七二年與一九九四年,兩次未通過全民投票,至今尚未加入歐盟(EU)。然而,除了農漁業保持自主政策之外,關於貿易與經濟、警務、司法以及出 入境簽證等事務,均已加入歐洲經濟區(EEA)的運作。一九九六年「柏林延伸妥協案」(Berlin-plus compromise)會議,同意 開幕活動非歐盟會員國可以參與歐洲安全防衛政策運作。基此,挪威亦派兵支援歐盟波士尼亞任務。挪威亦熱衷支持聯合國多項任務,扮 演積極的和平促進者角色。 肆、戰略政策之影響及評估 挪威《國防研究》報告指出,挪威軍隊面臨的是一個新時代中的新防衛。新的安全挑戰,意味著從防禦入侵到廣泛範圍戰爭的轉變。未來的武裝力量,將十分不同於以往的機動防禦。 國家與國際之間的利益有很大程度的差異,危機可能在和平與戰爭之間的瞬間發生。未來的武裝力量不再是展現其機動能力,而是當一個情況發生時,需要更靈活、 隨時待命,以及可供運用的能力。亦即,未來軍隊所需的能力,是從機動到高度待命的轉變。著眼於事件的核心、集中與能力、整體與協調。 挪威武裝力量改革的方針, 關鍵字排名一方面是追求軍隊現代化,另一方面也力求調整與精簡。因此,挪威政府的國防預算不降反升,其要領則在於經由一些臨時性措施來降低 費用。例如,將被徵召入伍的士兵人數逐年減少;在特種部隊的投資項目僅限於人員與武器裝備;對海陸空三軍結構和管理的調整著重在快速反應能力。在實際行動 上,現代化和機動性強的國防力量,主要用於反恐措施以及出兵阿富汗,以快速反應部隊,全力配合整個北約部隊的集體行動。然而,挪威政府現在已從伊拉克、阿 富汗撤軍,爾後對武力的使用將設置較高的門檻。 挪威未來戰略的形塑,將是朝向軍隊現代化、在聯盟間的適應,以及建立於任務的基礎之上。 基此,挪威的國家任務,第一是強化武裝力量的監測、情報、指揮、管制能力,確保並維持一個良好的國家 保濕面膜條件,以作為戰略和政治決策的基礎。第二是在國家的領 域內,預防並管理每一樁事件與安全危機,使負面的效果降至最低。第三則是預防與避免社會生存緊要利益的損害,維護國家主權。而這一切目標的達成,有賴於與 聯盟國家的合作,以及積極的海外支援任務。 後冷戰時期,北約因伊拉克問題而造成內部成員的分歧,正促使其進行內部改革的轉折。除了北約成員國之間的分歧問題,歐盟與美國之間、歐洲成員國之間亦有分歧。 此外,歐盟也極欲建立自己獨立的軍事組織以脫離北約。這些因素,均直接或間接的與挪威的國防戰略互為影響。 伍、結語 挪威王國的歷史背景、國際環境、能力與條件,固不能全然與我類比,然而,其仍有若干特殊的思維與做法可供我國借鏡與參考。 挪威一方面與北約組織及美、英國家建 房地產立緊密關係,以維繫其集體安全架構與國家安全戰略目標,另一方面卻又消極參與歐盟組織,以維護特殊條件下的國家利益。 此種作為非屬單純美歐中心的理念型取向,而係更為精緻的務實取向,值得我國參考,並依據現況精闢規劃國家戰略目標與作為。 挪威以其現代民主先進國家之自我期許,並採取徵募並行的兵役制度,以滿足其國防目標之必要作為,值得他國進一步觀察與評估。 另外,挪威在北極海區域,在南極洲大陸週邊,與十數個國家之間均有不同的領海或領土主權主張。此種朝向海權發展的做法,值得瀕海國思考海洋發展之借鏡。◎李黎明/台灣戰略學會副執行長、 東吳大學政治系講師 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 土地買賣  .

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          臺灣即將面臨的是比二戰後的芬蘭甚至比香港與澳門的地位會差很多的被中共政權完全併吞 只是因為最近(去年年底)美國學者提到臺灣會芬蘭化,所以昨天晚上連羅致政先生在其民視的節目上也在討論這個議題。我的論據: 一、當時芬蘭是聯合國會員國,顯然臺灣不是二、目前臺灣的趨勢是越來越被邊緣化,也就是政治地位與經濟地位在明顯下降之 節能燈具中三、當時存在二次大戰後歐洲有兩大軍事陣營對峙,而今天臺灣指望的是與美國非正式且相當脆弱的軍事聯盟四、臺灣面對的是世界上最邪惡的共產政權五、胡匪頭錦濤在所謂新年講話中宣告的是對臺灣的「一國兩制」;因為當時香港與澳門是殖民地,也就是與英國與葡萄牙存在租約, 機車借款中共政權接收這兩個殖民地時有跟英國與葡萄牙簽署協議,所以才有後來的實際上已是名存實亡「一國兩制」。而臺灣沒有殖民地問題,實際上中國大陸與臺灣仍然是懸而未決的交戰狀態,因此中共政權將直接佔領與併吞臺灣。針對臺的「一國兩制」,只是中共一向的欺騙宣傳而已臺灣面臨的將是比香港與澳 買屋網門更慘得多的被邪惡的中共政權直接佔領與併吞,臺灣的自由與民主將被葬送!當時就是因為愛沙尼亞及另外兩個波羅的海國家被蘇聯併吞,愛沙尼亞人在共產蘇聯統治下生活五十年(愛沙尼亞人大量被屠殺與流放)!臺灣人一定要放棄鴕鳥心態!總而論之,請諸位閱讀袁紅冰先生的新著《臺灣大劫難》(在臺灣各大書店?土地買賣‘i買到)。 台灣芬蘭化 傾中嚐惡果 美學者籲美排除台灣盟邦 【大紀元12月30日訊】〔駐美特派員曹郁芬、自由時報記者蘇永耀、彭顯鈞/華府─台北報導〕在美國決策菁英中極具影響力的「外交事務」(Foreign Affairs )期刊,最新一期刊出一篇文章指出,台灣正快速「芬蘭化」,以配合北京來換取自身的發展和生存。文中並建?seo閉篔雩荌惜赯鴷x軍售,讓台灣中立化,且必須將台灣從美國在亞洲盟邦中排除。 *台灣配合北京 換取自身生存* 馬政府執政後,美國學者和媒體已多次指出台灣正快速傾中,但在「外交事務」如此嚴肅、被美國政學界看重的刊物上出現專文,指出台灣正「芬蘭化」,而且呼籲美國公開支持,還是首見。由於這篇文章主張廢除台灣關係法對台灣的安全保 澎湖民宿障,一位研究兩岸問題的美國專家提醒,台灣應高度警覺。 *籲美停止軍售 讓台灣中立化* 對於此一論點,台灣朝野政黨看法不一。民進黨提醒,芬蘭與台灣情境並不相同,當年蘇聯還承認芬蘭的主權地位;但中國則想吞併台灣,馬政府親中,台灣連芬蘭化也不可得。國民黨則表示,該主張並非主流觀點。以芬蘭化類比台海和平,是不了解兩岸關係,也不合乎美國目前 銀行利率的對中、對台政策立場。 美國波特蘭州立大學政治系助理教授季禮( Bruce Gilley ),在預定元月出刊的「外交事務」上撰文指出,芬蘭在冷戰時代以討好蘇聯的和解政策,為自己維持住不被蘇聯併吞的自治地位,以小事大的台灣在馬英九政府上台後,和二次大戰後的芬蘭極為類似。 季禮表示,馬英九上台後的兩岸和解政策,使台灣愈來愈走向「芬蘭化」,具體例證包括莫拉克颱風後 代償,台灣雖讓西藏精神領袖達賴喇嘛赴台為災民祈福,卻拒絕維族領袖熱比婭入境,馬英九本人在六四紀念日時不再批評北京,只模糊地以歷史傷痛帶過,都是不折不扣「芬蘭化」的表現。 *馬拒熱比婭入境 走向芬蘭化* 季禮說,「芬蘭化」的政策讓台灣可以與中國進一步經濟整合,且可能有更大的國際空間,但也不是沒有代價,台灣對島內的反共活動要自我約束,同時在軍事上和美國保持距離。季禮認為, 裝潢台灣反對馬英九政策的聲音幾已消失,台灣人已把兩岸整合看得比軍事對抗或國家安全更重要。中國堅持對台灣的主權有地緣政治的考量,因為台灣的地理位置關係到中國對外武力投射的能力。美國過去廿年藉台灣關係法要保護的「台海現狀」已不存在,美軍在亞洲的安全已可透過其他軍事基地來保障,因此他主張美國應讓台灣中立,甚至偏向中國的軌道,對台灣的「芬蘭化」採取不介入立場。(http://www.dajiyuan.com) 結婚  .

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          夏普 新力 合建10代廠-聯手壓制三星 加速對我中小尺寸釋單 【吳秀樺、謝富旭╱台北報導】蘋果日報 為取得穩定的面板來源,日本家電廠夏普(Sharp)與新力(SNOY)宣布在大阪?市(Sakai)合建10代廠,其中夏普持有66%股權、新力則投資1000億日圓,約289.6億台幣, 禮服拿下34%的股權。雙方預計在今年9月30日以前簽訂正式合約。至於新公司的名稱、資本額等細節都還未確定。 日廠結盟花旗環球證券面板產業分析師張家麒指出,由於新力是友達的客戶,新力與夏普結盟 襯衫似有導致友達(2409)定單流失之虞,但是實際的衝擊並不大。由於日本面板廠一直有把已「商品化」面板外包給台廠的趨勢,這個趨勢並不會改變,而新力與夏普結盟重心是共同發展10代廠,開拓高階面板市場。 他分析指出, 室內裝潢國際面板大廠興起結盟風,對整個產業是好事,未來,面板大廠產能可互相調度甚至交換,這對產業秩序維持,使供需趨於平衡是極為正面的。 助益面板供需平衡 野村證券則認為,新力與夏普簽署10代廠合資聯盟,將使新力加速釋放中小尺寸 個人信貸面板代工定單給友達與奇美電(3009),對友達與奇美電是正面消息。 除了夏普與新力合作之外,事實上夏普在去年12月宣布與東芝(Toshiba)在TFT-LCD面板及半導體業務進行合作。隨著日本3大電視品牌夏普、新力與東芝攜手合作,意圖在家電產品中風華再起, 結婚西裝對韓國品牌及三星電子(Samsung)而言,將形成重大威脅。 主攻60吋以上液電 夏普先前宣布10代廠將投資6000億日圓,約1739億元台幣,依照夏普與新力初步協議的內容,夏普目前在?市興建中的10代面板廠,將歸屬新公司所有,新廠預計在2010年3月啟用,初期月產能為3.6 居酒屋萬片,未來會進一步增加到7.2萬片,而新廠未來將主攻60吋以上的液晶電視。對於夏普與新力合作模式,業界認為,這代表韓國三星電子不再是新力的唯一主要面板供應商,新力從7代廠開始與三星合作,對於新力突然轉回日本國內和夏普合作,將有助於增強新力向三星採購面板時的議價能力 新成屋。業界人士認為,由於新力與三星在液晶電視市場上向來就是競爭對手,新力向三星採購面板,除了行銷策略必須受制於三星之外,面板在韓國製造,對於愛用國貨的日本人而言,儘管新力在世界各地所戰皆捷,但BRAVIA液晶電視在日本國內市場未獲青睞,更是新力最大的痛處。從今年開始,夏普將產品策略轉向成為 商務中心面板製造廠,更是新力策略大幅轉回國內與夏普攜手的主因,新力除有穩定的面板來源外,夏普的10代廠有新力品牌做為出海口,面板去化更有相當保證,雙方的合作更可夾擊三星日益強大的品牌威脅。 友達奇美電不評論 對於日本的家電品牌雙「S」的合作,聯手制韓的策略,日本業界樂觀看待。對於夏普與新力的結盟,台灣 澎湖民宿面板廠則是靜觀其變。友達對此不表示意見,奇美電副總吳炳昇說,這是兩家公司的策略,外人不便評斷,但是對台灣面板廠未來的發展,並不會有影響,因為整個面板市場的生產銷售很複雜,不單單是0與1的問題。 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 農地貸款  .

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          港股直通車叫停 台股受惠 台資可望回流 【康彰榮、杜蕙蓉/綜合報導】工商時報 中國總理溫家寶表示,為避免給大陸和香港經濟帶來不良影響,還需要相當長的時間,才能讓大陸居民直接投資香港股市 婚禮顧問。此言意味近期帶動香港股市大漲的「港股直通車」面臨喊停,投資專家預期,今日港股將重挫,可能再跌一千點;至於先前流入港股的台灣 酒店打工資金則可望回流。 港股直通車喊停,富邦投信執行副總吳火生昨日認為,此意味著大陸政府降溫,預期港股今將大跌,先前全球資金都往大陸和香港?辦公室出租],其中也包括台灣資金,雖然外資短期內尚不至於快速移轉至台股,但先前台灣流入港股的資金應該會回流,畢竟此資金對台股熟悉,加上台灣企業獲利不差,且有選舉政府?有巢氏房屋齒h刺激,在資金潮回流下,台股後市應可期待。 溫家寶日昨出席在烏茲別克舉行的上海合作組織會議時指出,若是落實「港股直通車」,便是容許部份中國國內的資本自由流動,這必須?關鍵字排名閉袺鰝k例加以監督,這也是中國國家領導人首次對港股直通車政策發表意見,市場解讀直通車政策叫停。 中國國家外匯管理局今年 八月廿日 宣布以天津濱海新區為試點,允許大陸居民直接投資海外證券 系統傢俱市場,初期首選香港,港股當時受預期大陸熱錢湧入,自八月下旬二萬點一路衝上 十月廿九日 的三一六○四點,短短二個月內大漲一萬點。 香港證券業非常憂心今日港股會受到重大衝擊。「文匯報」引述申銀萬國聯席 婚禮佈置董事鄭家華預估,港股周一可能因此下跌一千點至二九五○○點。工銀亞洲董事兼副總經理黃遠輝認為,港股周一會跌破三萬點,震盪幅度大,但不致於調整太深。 溫家寶說:「因為香港資本市場是開放的,但是中國資本市場的全流 婚禮佈置動還需要相當長的時間,因此必須有相對應的法律法規監管,否則將引起中國資本市場大的波動,給經濟帶來不良的影響。」 溫家寶擔心該政策實施後,對香港股市的衝擊。他說:「現在大陸儲蓄過高,資金過剩,資金比較充裕,在這種情況下,大陸資金湧入香港 買屋資本市場,會給香港股市帶來什麼影響要做科學判斷和分析,我們不僅要解決中國國內股市存在的問題,還得保護香港資本市場的穩定。」 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 土地買賣  .

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          幽靜舒適花蓮汽車旅館 到訪花蓮旅遊洽公首選 鄰近在花蓮後火車站的凱頓汽車旅館,是一間可以讓您享受到重金打造豪華設備的汽車旅館,位處在花蓮市中央 買屋路旁的小巷內,安靜舒適寧靜外,又不失其交通便捷性絕佳的優點,相信這是您來訪花蓮?宜蘭民宿C度假、洽公住宿的好地方。 凱頓汽車旅館現場負責人吳副理表示,老闆簡先生來自宜蘭,在從事多年飲?買屋g銷後,苦思轉型的方法。對於花蓮本就不陌生的他,深感花蓮以觀光立縣為主,再者MOTEL市場性還有不錯的?G2000o展空間,於是三年前看準了現址後,便與幾位股東合資創立。 萬事起頭難,簡先生以生手之姿來開業,當然也歷經過許多問題,好在曾有?賣屋L去在宜蘭經營經驗,加上吳副理多年飯店歷練下來的專業建議,一步一步的慢慢調整,進行更有制度的整合與汽車旅館內部軟硬體升級。來到花蓮您會想到什麼 酒店兼職?凱頓這裡貼心準備了最道地的花蓮名產,給您入房後仔細品嚐,這些細節安排都是希望來住宿的朋友們,都能感受花蓮純真的風土民情。 目前凱頓提供浪漫氣車套房、精緻 酒店兼職商務房、景觀親子套房等多種房型,讓各個族群的朋友們都能做選擇。特別的是凱頓有全花蓮首創的夢幻按摩浴缸,閃爍的七彩水裡燈,浪漫風情自然流露。房內以紅木實心高貴進口家俱擺設為?西服D軸,配色上以柔和輕鬆更顯其質感十足!當然,想要與您的愛侶泡澡共浴看著電視享受兩人時光,相信凱頓也都不會讓您失望了。另外,汽車旅館除了幽靜舒適外,清潔衛生更不能少,定期的消毒整理也是凱頓相當重 酒店經紀視之處。 您到訪花蓮想找個雅緻舒適空間住宿嗎?當您行經花蓮中央路上,別忘了轉個彎,看見一個小巧的公園綠地後,轉進凱頓汽車旅館,一趟美好旅程的開始可以從這裡開始。 引用【大台灣旅遊網 TTNews 林寬佳 小額信貸】  .

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          當一個人失意落魄,貧窮困苦,有志難伸時...,要如何去調適? 一個人運勢不順,失意落魄...久了,心中難免會產生悲觀的念頭,情緒 融資低落,灰色想法或埋怨自己, 埋怨別人,埋怨這個社會,除非沒神 小型辦公室經或已成聖人! 許多人嘗試去改變去努力,少許的人改變了命運, 但多數人依舊?房屋貸款悀ㄠq人願,無法改變! 磨久了慢慢地變習慣了,直到這個人真的有好運來,否則, 許多人都傻 小型辦公室傻的承受過一生! 留下來的又是一推業(口業,心業)隨身! 如何調適?除非你轉移注意力或不理它,自我解嘲,可能?租房子妨e沒做什麼好事或積什麼德? 所以,今世才爛命一條!平安就是福,我命不好, 還有人比我更不好,比上不足比下有餘,也許這麼想多少能 西裝看開些,不過,這畢竟是消極的做法! 積極上,如能了解自己為何命運會如此,到底自己在承受什麼事?經歷什麼事?自己今世投胎到底有多少福德?為何別 找房子人運勢能這麼強,事事都如意?而自己卻要忍受這種痛苦? 能參透其中的原委,了解事情的來龍去脈?自然能豁然開來,也不會抱怨埋怨,也不會沮喪,因為自己知道自己今世的責 住商房屋任,也知道未來自己的命運跟走向? 知道了自己的命運,自己的底細,還有什麼好調適的呢? 知道了自己的命運,自己的底細,反而可以讓自己有更積極的作為,進而讓自己變好命:知?負債整合R-->立命--->修命----->造命----->改命----->好命! .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 宜蘭民宿  .

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